通信地址(Address) |
430062 湖北省 武汉市武昌区友谊大道368号 3044am永利集团3044noc (School of resources and Environmental Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062,P.R.China) |
代表作 (Publications) |
1、Zhang Yun, Deng Libin, Ye Wanhui.Does the long-term application of calcium superphosphate lead to an increase of the soil rare earth element contents?Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2006,18(1):130-134. 2、Yun Zhang, Zhaohua Li,Dongmei Tang. The Effect of Breeding Red Swamp Crawfish (Procambarus Clarkii)in Artificial Floating Rafts on Water Quality. Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health, (CEPPH 2010), pp762-766. Scientific Research Publishing
3、张云, 张真, 王鸿斌.气候因子对靖远松叶蜂暴发的影响,应用与环境生物学报,2006,12(5):660-664
4、张云,李兆华,石道良. 森林冠层节肢动物取样研究进展,中国森林病虫,2007,26(1):29-31
5、Jia XC, Dan Y, Zhang Y, et al. Direct evidence for the cycling of fig wasps within one male fig tree. Nordic Journal of Botany. 2007, 25(1-2): 119-124