通信地址(Address) |
430062 湖北省 武汉市武昌区友谊大道368号 3044am永利集团3044noc (School of Resources and Environmental Science, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062,P.R.China) |
代表作 (Publications) |
1、Research on the water environmental features and environmental capacity of Enshi river reach of Qingjiang river. International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, publisher: IEEE, April, 2011, Volume 5, 4415-4418. 2、Analysis on Space Pattern of Agricultural Employment Function of Hubei Province Based on ESDA. 2011 AASRI Conference on Information Technology and Economic Development (AASRIITED2011), publisher: AMERICAN APPLIED SCIENCES RESEARCH INSTITUTE, USA, September, 2011, Volume 1, 409-412. 3、Exploring Spatial Trends of Agricultural Employment Indices in Hubei Province,China. Advances in Biomedical Engineering(2011 International Conference on Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), publisher: IERI, February, 2011,151-154.
5、Empirical Analysis on the Grain Supply Capacity of Hubei Province, China Asian Agricultural Research, 2011, 3(2): 39-43.