姓名: 温丽莲
职称、职务: 副教授
2013.09—2018.07 浙江大学环境工程工学博士 |
2009.09—2013.07 3044am永利集团环境工程工学学士
2018.07—至今 3044am永利集团3044noc讲师,副教授
在第十一届全国研究生环境论坛中,论文“The TCE dechlorination potential at a perchlorate reducing consortia”荣获二等奖,同济大学(2016)
1. Yu, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Lv, M., Wang, Z., Wen, L.L*., Li, A*. In situ reductive dehalogenation of groundwater driven by innovative organic carbon source materials: Insights into the organohalide-respiratory electron transport chain. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 452, 131243.
2. Wen, L. L., Li, Y., Zhu, L., Zhao, H. P. * Influence of non-dechlorinating microbes on trichloroethene reduction based on vitamin B12 synthesis in anaerobic cultures. Environmental Pollution. 2020, 259, 113947.
3. Wen, L. L., Zhang, Y., Chen, J. X., Zhang, Z. X., Yi, Y. Y., Tang, Y., Rittmann, B. E., Zhao, H. P*. The dechlorination of TCE by a perchlorate reducing consortium. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 313, 1215-1221.
4. Wen, L. L., Yang, Q., Zhang, Z. X., Yi, Y. Y., Tang, Y., Zhao, H. P*. Interaction of perchlorate and trichloroethene bioreductions in mixed anaerobic culture. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 571, 11-17.
5. Wen, L. L., Chen, J. X., Fang, J. Y., Li. A., Zhao, H. P*. Effects of 1,1,1-trichloroethane and triclocarban on reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene in a TCE-reducing culture. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017, 8, 1349.
6. Wen, L. L., Zhan, Y., Pan, Y. W., Wu, W. Q., Meng, S. H., Zhou, C., Rittmann, B. E., Tang, Y. N., Zheng, P., Zhao H. P*. The roles of methanogens and acetogens in dechlorination of trichloroethene using different electron donors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22, 19039-19047.
7. Wen, L. L., (Co-author), Lai, C. Y., Yang, Q., Chen, J. X., Zhang, Y., Ontiveros-Valencia, A., Zhao, H. P*. Quantitative detection of selenate-reducing bacteria by real-time PCR targeting the selenate reductase gene. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2016, 85, 19-24.
8. Li, Y., Wen, L. L., Zhao, H. P., Zhu, L. *Addition of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 to the Dehalococcoides-containing culture enhances the trichloroethene dichlorination. Environment International. 2019, 133, 105245.
9. Lai, C. Y., Wen, L. L., Shi, L. D., Zhao, K. K., Wang, Y. Q., Yang, X., Rittmann, B. E., Zhou, C., Tang, Y. N., Zheng, P., Zhao, H. P*. Selenate and nitrate bio-reductions using methane as the electron donor in a membrane biofilm reactor. Environment Science & Technology. 2016, 50, 10179-10186.
10. Lai, C. Y., Wen, L. L., Zhan, Y., Luo, S. S., Wang, Q. Y., Luo, Y. H., Chen, R., Xiaoe Yang., Rittmann, B. E., Zhao H. P*. Autotrophic Antimonate Bio-reduction Using Hydrogen as the Electron Donor. Water Research. 2016, 88, 467-474.
11. Zhang, Y., Chen, J. X., Wen, L. L., Tang, Y. N., Zhao, H. P*. Effects of salinity on simultaneous reduction of perchlorate and nitrate in an methane-based membrane biofilm reactor. Environment Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23, 24248-24255.
12. Luo, Y. H., Chen, Ran., Wen, L. L., Meng, Fan., Zhang, Yin., Lai, C. Y., Rittmann, B. E., Zhao, H. P*., Zheng, P. Complete perchlorate reduction using methane as the sole electron donor and carbon source. Environment Science & Technology. 2015, 49, 2341-2349.
13. Liu, W., Wang, L., Kang, Q., Wen, L., Li, Z. Improved performance of Zn-doped SnO2 modified g-C3N4 for visible light-driven photocatalysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022, 29, 51989-52002.
14. Liu, W., Wang, L., Kang, Q., Wen, L., Li, Z. Facile synthesis of Z-scheme g-C3N4@MIL-100 (Fe) and the efficient photocatalytic degradation on doxycycline and disinfection by-products by coupling with persulfate: Mechanism and pathway. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2022, 635, 128057.
15. Liu, W., Li, Z., Kang, Q., Wen, L. Efficient photocatalytic degradation of doxycycline by coupling α-Bi2O3/g-C3N4 composite and H2O2 under visible light. Environmental Research. 2021, 197, 110925.
16. Lai, C. Y., Zhong, L., Zhang, Y., Chen, J. X., Wen, L. L., Shi, L. D., Sun, Y.P., Ma, F., Rittmann, B. E., Zhou, C., Tang, Y. N., Zheng, P., Zhao, H. P*. Bio-reduction of chromate in a methane-based membrane biofilm reactor. Environment Science & Technology. 2016, 50, 5832-5839.
17. Chen, R., Luo, Y. H., Chen, J. X., Zhang, Y., Wen, L. L., Shi, L. D., Zhao, H. P*., Tang, Y. N., Rittmann, B. E., Zheng, P. Evolution of the microbial community of the biofilm in a methane-based membrane biofilm reactor reducing multiple electron acceptors. Environment Science and Pollution Research. 2016, 23, 9540-9548.
18. 黄佳乐, 李兆华, 冯如, 康群, 李盈, 刘伟, 温丽莲*. 饮用水源地水中典型消毒副产物的快速检测方法[J]. 环境保护前沿, 2023, 13(1): 11-18.
19. 王泽懿, 吕梦冉, 于洋, 张悦妍, 温丽莲*, 李昂*. 地下水脱卤过程中的微生物种间代谢互作:提高原位氯代烯烃厌氧脱氯效能的有效途径[J]. 微生物学通报, 2022, 50(4): 1576-1590.
20. 温丽莲, 赵丽娅, 李兆华. 《环境与可持续发展》课程思政案例教学. 教育进展. 2022, 12(4), 1302-1308.
1. 环境实验设计与数据处理教学模式改革,3044am永利集团研究生公司产品改革研究项目。2022-2024,主持。